Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fire Emblem: You Choose the Characters! Chapter 9 recap, Chapter 10: Prisoner Release, and rules of the drafting

Chapter 9 was much easier than I remember it being. I was able to spread a good number of levels around, get all the goodies, and have Boyd let me down one more time. After the battle I got two new characters that will be talked about in the new character section.

OscarLance Kn133014412126133
MarciaPegasus Kn62081812486

Also I gave some bonus exp to Mist and Rolf so they are worth using in this chapter.

The REAL beginning of the run:

 Description: It looks like a very simple chapter, but looks can be deceiving. There are two ways to complete this chapter.

1. Super sneaky route, I use just Ike and the new thief I got this chapter to open the doors and sneak though without ever fighting once.

2. The normal way, I take a full party and simply smash my way though the level. When the first fight begins, a large amount of reinforcements will come in from everywhere and I am probably going to kill all of them. This is the only way to get all of the goodies so this will be the route I will take.

There are a large variety of men, but most of the enemies wield either lances or magic tomes so as long as I get people to deal with them I should be fine.

New characters:

Lethe, the fierce cat
Class: Cat (beast tribe laguz)

Lethe, one of the first laguz you get in this game and the only female laguz you get in this game. Lethe joins the group because her king orders her to do so. She is not happy with this arrangement, but she will not disobey her king. Though annoyed at first with this, she grows attached the little group as time goes on.

Statwise she is a fast, mid-range damage dealer. Cats have a ton of speed and skill allowing them to  double hit most things in the game. She also, as a laguz requires no weapons and instead uses her claws to fight. They never wear out, but they also never get any better either. Regardless, she is a solid member of our little army.

She starts with 16 units of her transformation bar filled (so adding in the 4 she gets turn 1 she starts the mission transformed)

I feel I should give some more information on laguz units so here is a explanation:
Laguz run off a transformation bar like this  0(       )20. When the bar gets filled, 0(--------------------)20,  they transform into their animal form.
 The bar is filled at 4 units per turn and they get an extra 2 units per battle they get in an  untransformed state.
While untransformed they can not fight back and can only absorb hits and dodge.
They transform at 20 units.
When transformed they can fight and attack enemies.
They lose 2 units every turn they are transformed and an extra 1 unit for every battle they are in while transformed.
When the bar reaches 0 units they untransform and begin the cycle anew.
That is basically how all laguz work.  

Mordecai, the gentle tiger
Class: Tiger (beast tribe laguz)

Mordecai, the second laguz you get with Lethe. He is sent off with Ike's group because the king ordered him to. Unlike Lethe though, he looks forward to the time spent with his new friends.

Statwise, he is basically like Gatrie with less defense, more move, and more attack early on. He is a brick wall that moves around the field faster than 5 spaces a turn. That being said, his speed in battle resembles that of Gatrie, one hit attacks and is often doubled by everything. He does not really care though, he is crazy tough.


Smite is a skill that lets you to shove friends and foes two spaces away without damaging them. Ask
 my brother on more details on how to use this to your utmost advantage.

Mordecai starts each chapter with 0 units of his laguz bar filled. (assuming he does not get into battle, it will take him 5 turns to transform).

Volke, the money loving thief
Class: Thief (promotes to Assassin at the end of chapter 19)

The first thief you get in the game and probably the better of the two in my opinion. With Volke, everything begins and ends with gold. He will charge you for basically everything. Fifty gold must be available for every single lock or chest you want him to open. Otherwise the game tells you he won't do it. This is something of a minor annoyance, but he more than makes up will his skill and talents.

Statwise he is a thief with higher strength than is typical for the class. This is good as he can only use 3 weapons—the knife, the dagger, and the stiletto. They are the only knives of this game. They may have low damage output, but thieves are not meant to be heavy combatants. They open the doors, chests and steal stuff. That being said, when Volke promotes, he gets far stronger and can gain the ability to kill in a single hit, regardless of anything.

I explained shade already with Ilyana. It does the same thing.

It now falls to you the people. These are the 3 things you must decide and the rules that come with them.
1. Decide who I use this mission.
This will be decided one comment at a time. Like this pretend mission that has 3 people in it.

W posts Volke
X posts Oscar
W posts Mist

In this case I would use Volke, Oscar, and Mist. I would then comment that drafting was closed for the chapter and do the chapter with the following characters.

However, there are a couple more rules. Let's assume that I get on the computer and I see this when I check my blog

W posts Volke
W posts Oscar
X posts Mist

In this case, only Volke and Mist are set. You must wait for someone else to comment before you can choose another character like the first example.

One last rule, let's use this as an example for a 4 character party.

W posts Mist
X posts Lethe
W posts Oscar
X posts Marcia
Z posts Soren

In this case I would use Mist, Lethe, Oscar, and Soren. If it is your FIRST comment in that particular chapter you get priority in the draft. This will allow more people to affect this run and keep them engaged. However, you must post before I close the draft. I will close the draft as soon as I notice that I have a full party.

2. Decide what characters get each stat up item
This will decided my majority rules. Simply put the stat up item with the character you want it go to like this.

X posts Energy drop to Mist, Seraph robe to Boyd

This would give one vote toward the energy drop going to mist and one vote toward the Seraph robe to Boyd.
You can also chose to hold the stat up item for later by saying hold stat up item like so.

Z posts Hold energy drop.

Hold item requests will be the priority in the case of a tie. Otherwise it is my choice between the options.

3. Decide skill placements

This will work just the stat up items, but with skills.

 That's it. Just post all of the information in a comment like so.

X posts Mist
Seraph robe to Ike
Miracle to Marcia

That is all there is to it. Here is the list of characters, stat up items and effects, and available skills.


OscarLance Kn133014412126133
MarciaPegasus Kn62081812486


Seraph robeHP +7
Ashera iconLuck +2
Talisman Resistance + 2

Miracle (can sometimes survive from lethal hits)

Ike always comes in every chapter. This chapter can hold 8 characters not including Ike.

Post away!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fire Emblem: You Choose the Characters! Chapter 8 recap and Chapter 9: Galia

Chapter 8 had many close calls. Ilyana almost died after Ike recruited her, Soren also had some issues with staying alive though he did not have as big of a problem as Ilyana. Mia helped out though she had a few issues living as well. I did get all of the good item drops for the mission and made it through alive somehow. Still, that was much harder than I thought it was going to be. Here is hoping this is not a sign of things to come.

OscarLance Kn123013411116133

Gave Ilyana a couple levels of bonus EXP as I have a strong feeling I will be using her, a lot.

The last mission I have more or less full control:

Description: There are a fair amount of enemies and though they are not too tough, I have to protect my newly recruited characters Mist, and Rolf from harm on a very open battlefield, and stop the pirates from destroying the two houses in the northwest. On turn 3-5 Marcia will come in and moves to talk with Ike. This will cause me to gain her as another unit. This mission is a little dangerous  if you are not careful, but with proper planning, it is not that bad.

New Characters: Mist, the sister to Ike
Class: Cleric (promotes to Valkyrie) 

The second healer of the game. Mist is the only sibling to Ike and one of the few people with the ability to hold chaos in her hands without going mad. She has a kind and somewhat stubborn personality.

Statwise she is one my favorite healers. She starts weak at level 1, but quickly grows to fill in the spot of primary healer of the group. Balanced stats all-round, and she gains a horse upon promotion giving her great mobility. The weird thing is that her weapon upon promotion is swords, not magic tomes. However, she is the greatest user of the rare magic swords because of this, she can even out-damage most mages with these swords! It takes work to get here, but it is totally worth it.


I have already explained the skill miracle in the last post

Rolf, the young archer
Class: Archer (Promotes to Sniper)

The third and final of the green haired brother trio. Rolf is the youngest of the three brothers and thus the least experienced as well. This does not really stop him from doing the very best he can which is good because he is the only archer you get bar Shinon.

Statwise he is quite solid all-around. Even his bases are okay considering he is just level 1. He tends to be somewhat quick with high def so he can tank a couple hits if required. He can have some trouble dealing damage, but this can be fixed with a custom weapon.


Marcia, the high strung Pegasus Knight
Class: Pegasus Knight (Promotes to Falcon knight)

First off yes, the picture sucks in the quality department. This was what I could find that was official art for Path of Radiance. 

Marcia is a happy woman with a strong sense of family and duty. This would be better if her brother would be a good person and not borrow and gamble the funds away like a chowder head. Now she is on a mission to find him and beat some sense into him.

Statwise she is a Pegasus knight with average stats. Her bases are a bit generic, but she grows to be the best pegasus knight you get. She also has a super attack she gets to do on the final mission if you use her enough and get her promoted.

MarciaPegasus Kn52080711486

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fire Emblem: You Choose the Characters! Chapter 6 recap, Chapter 7: Shades of Evil, Chapter 7 recap, and Chapter 8: Despair and Hope

As expected, chapter 6 was quite simple. I did get some great levels too and a couple good pieces of equipment. More importantly, Boyd got a point of speed and Oscar got better everywhere.

OscarLance Kn82994896101

It's a Trap!:

 Description: There are quite a few bad guys on this chapter and there are more reinforcements coming in when I pass a certain point on the map. At that time, Shinon and Gatrie also appear on the middle left part of the map. There are also 3 chest on the map containing a new staff, a new skill, and a new sword. Mia also joins in the fray at the end of turn 1. Talk to her with Ike or let her run up and talk to Ike and she joins the party. This is not too hard. As long as I'm careful, I won't lose anyone.

New Character: Mia, the duel loving swordfighter
Class: Myrmidon (Promotes to Swordmaster)

Mia is a young mercenary that joins up with Ike's group because Ike is awesome. (This really does become her reason for staying.)  She has a happy personality and loves to spar. An excellent swordfighter, she quickly earns her keep in the small group.

Statwise, she is a classic myrmidon. High speed, good skill, strength, and luck. With poor defense and resistance. She relies on her evade to stay alive. That being said, her evade normally gets to be so high she dodges everything with ease. Her battle power is also quite high, making her an excellent choice for most missions.

Base Stats:


 Vantage is a skill that always lets the wielder strike first in combat.


That chapter had a couple worries in it, but was altogether fine. Everyone got some levels and things were good. I got a new skill that I will talk about later as you will get to choose who it goes to.
 Then Ike became the new leader of the group because his dad kicked the bucket. This made Shinon and Gatrie leave the group because they are complete jerks. We will get them back, but it will awhile before they can be re-recuited. (13 bloody chapters in Shinon's case and 5 in Gatrie's case).

Total Growth

OscarLance Kn103011410116113



The leaving stats of the jerks are included this time. Total growth is a new stat that brandon added that tracks how many stats each character gained via level up compared to the bases.

The mission I really wish I had Gatrie for:

Description: This map has a lot of enemies to start and reinforcements will keep coming every few turns or so. I also need to recruit  Ilyana as well with Ike too. There is a red gem I also want to grab as well in the south. Standard tactics include Titana in the south with poleaxe and Mia murdering all of the mounted units, Oscar and Ike to the west to stop the varied units and to recruit Illyana. I then put Boyd in the east opening to stop the armour units comming from the east. Rhys just heals people, and Soren launches attacks from cover. This is a hard mission for new players and on hard mode this mission is horrendously difficult.

New Character:  Ilyana, the hungry thunder mage
Class: Mage (Lighting type) (promotes to Sage)
The second mage you get in this game. She loves food, a lot. This make a lot of her support conversations rather funny as they almost always revolve around eating more food than what is humanly possible.

Game play wise she is powerful, but she suffers from a terrible speed growth. Hence, she does tend to get a lot of RNG abuse to force that stat up. Otherwise she has a somewhat reliable stats all around bar speed. She even has a fairly good strength growth for a mage. Also she has to contend with the fact Soren exists. This can make her look less good if Soren turning out really good as mages can be a little difficult to raise.


Shade is a skill that reduces your likelihood of being targeted by enemy attack. Great for a mage character.

I now need your input! I have gained the "miracle" skill. This skill allows a unit to sometimes survive a lethal hit. It's a good safety skill for units, though it is not super reliable. I also have some stat-up items as well. I am on the fence for allowing you the people control over the stat-up items, but if you want to then tell me in the comments.

To wrap this up this is what I need your decision on. 1. Who gets the miracle skill? 2. Do you want control over the stat-up items? People choices for the miracle skill are everyone bar Shinon and Gatrie. You can also choose to save the skill for later use on a different character. Post away!