Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Top 20 video games of all time!

Been a few months since my last post, but I do plan to continue this with some top 10-20 lists for my favorite board and video games. I am removing Pokemon and it's spin-offs from this list due to it taking up to much space. I will start with my top 20 video games of all time. Lets get Started!

20. Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword

The first game released in the USA in the fire emblem saga. This game was my first experience in the world of fire emblem strategy games. It was a quite the shock to my system. At first I really did not understand how the game really worked bar the fact that people stayed dead when killed in battle. I used Marcus for everything because he was incredibly strong in the beginning not realizing I can not get away with using just one guy the whole game. This resulted in me being confused and frustrated at first. As time went on I began to figure out more of how the system worked and how to play the game and raise characters. It became rather addictive to beat this game, using oddball characters, or limits imposed upon myself. The story is great and the sub-stories in support conversations add so much depth to all of the characters. There is no end the praise I can give to this game. The only problem is the steep difficulty curve for new players.   

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